New Year’s Resolutions to Rock Your Restaurant

New Year’s Resolutions to Rock Your Restaurant

Well folks, we’re nearing the end of another year. It’s a time to reflect on this year’s successes, move on from failures, and put the focus on goals for January and beyond. You (along with 40% of the population) might set resolutions for yourself, or you might think they’re silly; but regardless of which camp you subscribe to, think about setting some resolutions for your restaurant—they’re a great way to stay motivated through the grey days of winter and inevitable low-traffic days! Here, we’ll talk about 3 New Year’s resolutions you should make to boost your restaurant’s bottom line (and how you can actually stick to them).


  1. Join the digital age


It’s no secret everyone’s eyes are on their screens these days. A recent Nielsen report cites a staggering statistic that “American adults spend over 11 hours per day listening to, watching, reading or generally interacting with media.” So, if your digital presence isn’t great, you could be missing out on beaucoup bucks. Content is king, after all. Some things you can do to really up your digital game are to photograph your food (either yourself, or get a pro to help out) and post to social media. Post your dishes regularly on your Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest pages for repeat (and new!) customers to drool over.


Additionally, investing in giving your website a makeover could lead to more dollars in the long run. Did you know 81% of diners surveyed in a Toast study said they used a restaurant’s website to place an online order? And that the most important technology features for guests are online reservations, free WiFi, and online ordering? Sites like Squarespace have beautiful, easy-to-use templates designed with restaurants in mind, and they even have a partnership with ChowNow for online ordering.


New Year’s Resolutions to Rock Your Restaurant

  1. Get your marketing squared away early


In other words, stock up. Take the first few weeks of the new year, when people aren’t eating out as much due to their holiday indulgences and traffic is slow, to load up on marketing materials. Retailers are scrambling for business in Q1 after disenchanted shoppers take a break from binge buying, and typically this is a great time of year to grab unexpected discounts. Think smart and grab door hangers, printed menus to stick in takeout bags, and flyers advertising your business. Being proactive about your marketing inventory is a slick move, as it’ll be one less thing to worry about when busy season sneaks up.


  1. Jump in on your customer’s resolutions


Yep, you read that right. The second most popular New Year’s resolution for 2018 was to “Lose weight or get in shape,” which comes just behind “Save money.” If a major sector of the country is looking to drop some pounds in the new year, it might be wise as a restaurant owner for you to take that into consideration with your menu choices. Create some new, healthier menu options, or think about a special menu to roll out that’s strictly devoted to folks on a new diet. We all know how hard it is to stick to a diet, so having your favorite (or soon-to-be favorite) restaurant on board to help you through the process is a fun strategy.


From website revamps to marketing collateral stock-ups, it’s critical to have the cash on hand to make any investment in your restaurant. Stop by ARF Financial and check out our amazing loan products. We specialize in lending to the restaurant industry, and our expert loan consultants are here to offer you personalized advice throughout the entire process—and beyond. We offer approvals in as little as 48 hours, with funding in 3-5 days. Let’s work together to make this your best New Year yet!