Merchandising Tips for Your Gift Shop

Merchandising Tips for Your Gift ShopMerchandising Tips for Your Gift Shop

Are sales at your gift shop waning? Or maybe you’re about to open your doors for the first time and want to maximize your revenue. Wherever you are in your journey as a gift shop owner, there is always room for improvement. Today, we’ll focus on effective merchandising techniques for your gift shop that will have your overnight guests think they’ve walked into a dream.

First and foremost, what does “merchandising” even mean? You may have heard the term being thrown about in marketing blogs, and its meaning is simple: Merchandising is the way in which you display your products (merchandise) to increase interest and drive sales. When you go to a bookstore and see a beautiful display of calendars, stationary, and candles on a table, that visual arrangement was likely cooked up by the store’s merchandiser. A well-crafted merch display is like a feast for the eyes. It should draw your customers in and entice them to purchase your goods. If your gift shop is full of unique finds, you want to showcase them in the way they deserve. An article on the small-business blog Bizfluent notes that “According to R. Srinivasan, author of ‘Case Studies In Marketing,’ merchandising directly influences approximately two-thirds of all sales. Great merchandising equals great sales.

Know Your Customer Needs

As a lodging owner, your customers might primarily be tourists to the area. Items they are likely in search of will have to do with the unique charms of your town. And since they are on a vacation, they won’t want to be spending hours searching for the perfect gift or souvenir. Keep that in mind when planning the layout of your merchandise, placing the most popular items front-and-center and in close proximity to the register. An effective merchandising technique involves grouping complementary products on the same display, which leads customers to purchase more than one product. For example, if you sell coffee from a local roaster, display it alongside branded coffee mugs. Simple strategies like this work to psychologically lure guests into additional items.

Make Your Shoppers Feel Comfortable

There is nothing worse than heading into a small shop where there is one hungry salesperson just waiting to pounce on every customer who walks in. Create a feeling of comfort, one which reflects the theme of your inn or bed & breakfast. Play calming music to make your space more approachable, and set your displays as if they could easily be in your customers’ homes. If a guest is attracted to one of your items and can visualize it in their lives, they are that much more likely to make a purchase.

Remember the Rule of 3

Heard of this one? There is a principle that says when goods are grouped in threes, people are more visually enticed by them. This idea carries a lot of weight when it comes to merchandising. The Rule of 3 creates great opportunities to cross-sell or upsell products, opening the door to more revenue. And since this idea has been proven to draw shoppers’ attention, you’re also luring them to your display, encouraging them to linger, and increasing your chances of making a sale.

Theme Your Displays

Shoppers love themes—from holiday displays to special events, a well-thought-out themed display is a perfect way to draw in customers. As the seasons change you can create seasonal-inspired arrangements, such as fall-scented candles coupled with tea cups and scarves. Or if your town has a local festival, bring that theme into your gift shop as a nod to the area.

Effective, thoughtful merchandising is key to bringing in guests—especially if your gift shop isn’t in a high-traffic area. By incorporating some or all of these tips, you’re well on your way to creating the perfect destination for your guests’ gift needs.

For more marketing strategies and tips for small business owners, be sure to check out our blog, The Pantry, every week—we’re always dishing up something new!