Does Your Broker Website Hit the Mark?

Does Your Broker Website Hit the Mark?

We’ve written about the importance of a great website many times before. A website is one of the best ways to get your brand, products, or services out there to the public, but it’s also a non-negotiable for loan brokers. It’s likely that your first interaction with potential merchants will be your website, and there are a few key components you’ll want to ensure are included there to make yourself stand out. Let’s dive in…

The Importance of Your Domain Name

The first thing we need to touch on is your domain name. It’s an essential part of your company branding and can help increase your credibility, visibility, and web traffic. And it’s got to be memorable, if only so prospects can easily pop it into their browser bar and navigate quickly to your site rather than searching for you every time they want to pay a visit. In an ideal world your domain name would be the name of your company, but that might not always be available (or user-friendly); if this is the case, consider abbreviating your business name in a way that still makes sense for users. In terms of private versus public domain registration, the choice is up to you. There are pros and cons to each, but generally speaking a private domain—while it’ll cost a little bit extra—offers greater privacy and security benefits, and it lends a more professional air to your business.

Shine a Spotlight on Your Expertise

Consumers don’t read (which truly pains this writer to type…). An average person will spend less than a minute on a website, however they’ll spend slightly more time on a business-to-business (B2B) site—about 1.37 minutes, according to research. This is why it’s so critical that you get the most important info about your business front-and-center. Be sure you’re explaining who you are, what you specialize in, how you can be an asset to potential merchants, and how you stand out from the competition. If you have one already, consider revisiting your value proposition and giving it a refresh. If you don’t have a value prop, it’s time to start drafting one up—and be sure to include it on your website.

Educate Potential Merchants

Education is key when it comes to engaging prospects. You’ve managed to get them onto your site and they’ve hung out for about a minute, so now it’s time to ensure you’re filling them in on who you are. Highlight your business, your background details, and what you can offer as a partner. A company profile is a great way to get this across (think of this as the “About Us” section of your website). Consider creating a blog section of your site and fill it with educational material and client success stories. Thoughtful, engaging content is a fantastic way to gain credibility with prospects and show you’re truly an expert in your area—an expert that would be an exceptional partner to work with.

And speaking of partners… ARF Financial’s commitment to providing industry-leading loan products means your clients receive unmatched service, with loan amounts up to $1,000,000 and terms up to 36 months. Best of all, our low, fixed payments won’t interfere with cash flow, making our loans the ideal choice for clients looking to build their wealth. Learn more about our fresh new no-fee referral program—Loan Stars—over at!

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